
Perfect dark alien
Perfect dark alien

Generally, you could stick your head around the corner and wait for a guard to follow you to a hiding place and then shoot the hell of you.

perfect dark alien

In Goldeneye, there were obvious flaws with the enemies that the player could use to their advantage. The thing that frightened me the most was the intelligence of the enemies. I got my version of Perfect Dark as soon as it came out (expensive stuff) and, because I was well under 18 at the time, it scared the shit out of me (I led a sheltered life). You can't really go any higher, so I don't see why they didn't just let it go, but hey. This really shouldn't have been a problem, because the thing was awarded an 18 certificate in the UK. Fortunately for us, some guys in America insisted that this function had to be removed because it was 'too realistic' and they were worried that it would somewhat blur the boundaries of realities when you shot the crap out of your friends. I haven't come across another game that allows you to do that, as yet. Something you may like to know is that prerelease versions of Perfect Dark allowed players to also connect the Gameboy camera and transfer their faces onto multiplayer characters. By using the Gameboy connector that fitted into the controller, you could connect the Gameboy version of Perfect Dark (released after the N64 version) with the N64 and unlock some very interesting cheats (the Gameboy version was, unsurprisingly, pretty crap, so I won't go into that). The high res mode was a treat to be seen as well, but you'll only notice the difference on a big TV. If you ever play a game on the N64, compare the music from something like Mario Kart to the likes of Perfect Dark. It ripped every last ounce of power out of the N64 and so players needed the RAM expansion pack in order to take advantage of the amazing one player mode.

perfect dark alien

Perfect Dark attempted to make use of everything the N64 had to offer. Consisting of only about 30% of the original Goldeneye programming, you can see some very obvious improvements. But hey, it was developed by the same people that made Goldeneye - Rare, so from the beginning it was clear it was going to be a winner. Many people longed to play Perfect Dark even before it was release in 2000 because of the amount of hype that surrounded it.

Perfect dark alien